Jackie Fernandes

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Get To Know Me and My Work: Q&A

You’ve asked, I’ve answered... I wanted to give you the chance to ask some questions about me, my work, and anything else. So I asked you on social media what you wanted to know. 

Here goes!

1. Where did you get your certification as a yoga instructor and a meditation teacher?


My Yoga Teacher Certification was through Wild Abundant Life whose ownership has now changed hands.


I gained my Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course through UMASS (University of Massachusetts Amherst). 

 2. How can reiki help me to improve my life?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that comes from Japan. It balances energy in your body and facilitates overall health and wellness. I've used it with a number of clients to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.


Reiki is based on 5 principles which are as follows.

1. Just for today, I will not worry.

2. Just for today, I will not be angry.

3. Just for today, I will be grateful.

4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.


Keeping these principles in mind helps someone to take action, stay in the present, move past fear, and see the beauty in each moment in life. I advise clients to write these down as a reminder to navigate their day.

3. Do you offer private reading sessions based on people's needs? 

Yes, I do book private and group sessions. All sessions can be done online or in-person.

4. Which card decks do you use? 

I use a variety of decks for the simple reason that they all tell me different things. I often use several decks while I'm doing work with my clients because I deal with emotions, energy, and those things unseen.  I use the energy of the individual to guide them to what they need during our sessions.

The decks I use are a blend of tarot and oracle that range that read the traditional way or dig deeper to the inner landscape of the self and explore archetypes, energy, crystals, and soul wisdom.

To see my favorite decks, check out my shop page.

5. I'm trying to include meditation in my routine. Do you have any tips? 

Yes, first I would like to state that meditation can be anything you choose. 

It doesn't have to be so formal as to sitting still and sitting in an upright position. I say that because our minds are distracted more than ever these days so the ability to quiet the mind and sit still can appear frustrating to the individual.

I usually recommend to my clients that they lie down or do some kind of inversion in some way - like the yoga pose ‘legs up the wall’. 

The reason for this is because it forces the body to slow down and actually gets your mind to focus on what is happening with the body rather than focusing on random thoughts on the mind. 

When you lay in an inverted position your body is moving towards the heart and forces your central nervous system to slow down to this adjustment. Deep belly breathing facilitates the state change the body needs to relax so the individual can "feel" what it means to relax which is exactly the opposite of what they feel when they stand upright all day.

The key goal is to identify how you "feel" and the change in state in your body which will calm the mind.

Thanks for reading beautiful souls. 

If you have any more questions for me, comment below and I’ll reply as soon as possible!

Hope you’ve learned a little more about me and my work. At the end of the month, I’ll be posting more about my process when doing online readings, so you can expect more ‘day in the life’ style content soon! 

Feel free to book in a private or group session with me, so I can start helping you to achieve some of your goals for 2021.

