How to Grow in Self-Gratitude

How to Grow in Self-Gratitude

November is a time of gratitude; It is when we gather with loved ones, celebrate our accomplishments, enjoy each other's company and give thanks for the things that we have.

However, I can’t help but wonder- why don’t we practice gratitude daily? Why don’t we take the time each day to appreciate what we have on a smaller scale? 

Gratitude is another word for an act of showing appreciation. It hones in on our ability to return kindness not just to others but also to ourselves, even in the smallest things. 

So, here are some steps that we can take each day to practice gratefulness:

  1. Appreciate the little things.

Enjoy your morning cup of coffee to the fullest. Stretch your legs and appreciate how far they have taken you. Appreciate the sun on your skin and the aroma of a good meal. Once you take notice of the little things that make each day brighter, you will realize that there is much to be grateful for.

2. Recognize our thought patterns.

It has been scientifically proven that we can indeed change our thought patterns and rewire our brains. Many of us grew up focusing on the negative things occurring in our lives without identifying the good and giving it recognition. The negative weighed more. However, you can change this.  If you need some guidance, be sure to check out Bryan Tracy and his 4 A’s of Gratitude (appreciation, approval, admiration, attention).

3. Lastly, time to reflect.

Taking a few minutes for simple reflection can go a long way in helping us to logically understand all that is happening to and for us. Taking this small step will increase your energy and happiness levels. 

These are all of the steps I would recommend to help you grow in gratitude a little bit each day. Keep building upon your strengths and see what changes gratitude can bring into your life.

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