The Spiritual Guidance of Tarot

The Spiritual Guidance of Tarot

First, a quick history lesson…

Tarot cards have been used as a spiritual tool since the 14th century- and that is just the recorded history of them.

However, the spiritual inclinations that these cards possess are far older than the cards themselves! These cards are a great way of making diving power more accessible. Each card has been given an icon and a meaning, creating the divine deck of cards that we know and recognize today. Once people could use these cards to manifest divine power, tarot reading became a trusted source of guidance for those who were lost, worried, or in need of answers. If you are keen to learn more about tarot decks and their archetypes, have a quick read here.

Now how do the tarot cards of today actually guide you?

Tarot cards have the ability to tap into your innermost thoughts, needs, and desires. For me, the cards reveal a path based on what I need subconsciously. That is the true power of tarot cards. They will give you hints on the right path to take - but it is up to you whether you want to follow it. Tarot is not the ‘be-all-end-all’, nor will it give you direct answers or solve all your problems. However, if you choose to intuitively listen to what the cards have to say, the possibilities are endless!

Personally, on my journey of reading tarot, I have been able to find confidence and a sense of empowerment. It creates an opportunity for me to not only help others but also myself. I have many resources on tarot available - from my favorite card decks to the services I offer. I am so passionate about the spiritual power of tarot reading, that I will soon be offering classes on how to manifest your own power through these cards!

I know that tarot can be a powerful tool of guidance through our everyday experiences.

Keep your eyes and mind open, and let tarot show you the way.

Learning to read tarot has given me the power and guidance I need to move about my life with clarity and assurance. Through this practice, I am positive that you feel more connected with yourself and what you truly desire. With that in mind, I am excited to announce that in August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! 

 It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

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