Spring-Care: 5 Tips for Skincare in April

Spring-Care: 5 Tips for Skincare in April

Hello beautiful souls, how is spring treating you so far? 

Has the sunshine affected your skin routine just a little bit? For me, it has. 

I’m going to share my 5 tips for Spring-care! 

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1. Spring-clean it up

Every Spring, I love to clean up my area and get rid of anything that no longer brings me joy. This can include skincare products that have been sitting in my drawer for way too long, old dusty books, or even clothes that don’t excite me. 

This is great for mindfulness and cleanliness, and it is excellent for your skin too!


2. Don’t wear so much product

As we continue into Spring, there is not much of a reason to be wearing lots and lots of products on your skin. I like to feel the sun on my face so I keep make-up to a minimum. Keep it light!

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3. Add some vitamin C to your routine

Why not try ‘tangerine’ essential oil to your moisturizer for an added refreshing boost? It’s hydrating and brightening.

Get yours here: Tangerine Essential Oil.

Get yours here: Tangerine Essential Oil.


4. Don’t forget SPF!

Even if the sun isn’t in full force, it can still get to your skin and cause acne and discoloration. So make sure you apply some SPF to protect your beautiful faces.


5. Use a humidifier for your skin health

To keep your skin fresh in the evenings, grab yourself a humidifier. They are able to clean and add moisture to the air, leaving you with soft and glowing skin.

Get your own humidifier here: Young Living Premium Starter Kit.

Get your own humidifier here: Young Living Premium Starter Kit.

What are you doing differently this spring for your skin? Let me know in the comments?

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