Happy Summer Solstice!

Happy Summer Solstice!

Hello beautiful souls, did you know that it's the summer solstice on Monday?

Well now you do!

You know how I’m always talking about the moon…? Now, we’re talking about the sun! It’s a big day for the sun.

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So what is the summer solstice?

It’s the longest day of the year - and marks the beginning of summer! The sun has reached its highest point in the sky, so there is more daylight than usual. 

Why do we celebrate it?

It’s the first day of summer and it brings all things good. It’s fun to celebrate that midpoint of the year too. We can look at how far we’ve come so far this year, and plan for the remainder 

Do you remember where you were last summer solstice?

Learn more with National Geographic:

Take this summer solstice as a time to reflect and take action. 

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