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Basics of Tarot
Awaken your power through the art of tarot.
Tarot has always been used as a tool to answer our questions and to reveal people’s innermost needs. Many of us, including myself, have dealt with times of insecurity, confusion, and indecision. When we go through trialing times, we seek guidance, support, and comfort - and I am here to tell you that you can find all that, and more, within yourself. Reveal your innermost power and confidence through the art of tarot reading.
Have just purchased your first tarot deck but don’t really know what to do with it
Are only an occasional reader and want to dedicate more time to tarot reading but aren’t sure how to proceed
Haven’t read tarot in a while and would like to freshen up your skills
Want to learn more and different techniques for reading tarot
Are seeking new inspiration and want to connect with your spiritual side
Have always been interested in tarot and astronomy but never felt like you fit into the “spiritual and bohemian” mould we see on social media
Would like to join a community and support system of like-minded but out-of-the-ordinary thinkers
Have a desire to take fate into your own hands and tell your own story in a different and empowering way
This course will give you the tools and techniques you need to prosper in the face of uncertainty. You will be equipped with knowledge and resources that will allow you to take hold of your own power through tarot. You will learn the ins and outs of a time-tested practice that has been handed down by generations for guidance and finding our own resolutions.
I'm Jackie, an energy alchemist, intuitive mentor, and yoga life coach. If you're here today, it means that not only are you interested in learning about the basics of tarot, but also that you're meant to! This is your sign from the Universe!
You completely answered my question. You completely gave me the information and insight needed to take action and move forward. What I most valued or appreciated about this reading is … The honesty, the clear explanation, the warmth and calm she transmitted with the reading, even through text only! Keep doing what you’re doing 😊 Overall, I rate your reading 5 stars. The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!
You gave me the information and insight needed to take action and move forward. What I valued most or appreciated about this reading is… the quick response. Overall, I would rate your reading 4 stars. The reading gave me a good insight into my situation and was very helpful to me. I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!
Hey Jackie! I am Astrid. I just received your tarot reading. I wanted to personally thank you so much for your time and wisdom. I had really good insight. For me, everything was super clear and everything made total sense. Since I wrote the question a month ago, they assigned me 3 readers that passed my reading and they assigned you. I knew that you were the perfect person for it and it shows in your reading. I am very grateful. Thank you so much!
Create your own approach and personal style to tarot reading
Amplify your self-awareness and natural intuition
Practice your storytelling and narrative skills through the art of reading tarot
Boost your confidence through acquiring a new skill that can be shared with others
Become more self-assured, perceptive, and intuitive through gaining more experience in tarot reading
Learn the practical methods of how to give a tarot reading to both yourself and others
Study the symbolism and origin within tarot cards to better your understanding
Learn how to use tarot as a tool for self care and personal development
Understand how each card can relate to and frame the events of one’s life
This course will take 4 weeks to complete in total and will be suitable for all levels of students from beginners to advanced. The curriculum will cover these central points:
Brief History & Overview of Tarot System
Major Arcana - Cards, Story Arch, Meaning
Minor Arcana - Suits, Story Arch, Court Cards
Basic Spreads to use for Self-Inquiry & Journaling
1 Card Pull
3 Card Spread
4 Card Spread
Before anyone can read tarot cards, they must understand the meaning and significance behind them and for beginners, a thorough introduction is necessary.
After completing the introductory course, you will then practice the practical techniques needed to properly interpret these cards and learn how you can incorporate them into your daily life.
This course will also come with a guidebook to better aid you through the process and relay what you need to know in a simple and accessible format. You will also receive interactive writing prompts and video resources.
Pre-register for a special FREE gift!
Join me as we pursue the profound power of tarot. This offer will only be available for a short period of time so don’t hesitate to save your spot now!
A: No, this course is designed to suit the needs of all levels of learners!
A: The course should only take 4-weeks to complete in its entirety.
A: No need, come as you are! The prompts are only meant to help spark your creativity and guide you. Something that you may find helpful to have throughout the course is your very own deck of tarot cards! If you need help choosing a deck, check out my video on getting started with tarot decks and the ones I like to use.
A: Yes! I believe practice makes perfect so go ahead and spread your wings. However, make sure to have your guidebook and the other resources available so that you check your techniques and interpretations as you go!