4 Steps on How to Begin a Personal Journey

4 Steps on How to Begin a Personal Journey

I know I am not the only one who appreciates the optimism associated with that “clean slate” feeling every January. It might seem a bit cliché to speak about self-development and “making changes”, or the idea of self-improvement at this time of year. However, I truly believe that is one of the most motivating and invigorating times of year that empowers people to feel ready to take something new on.

Yes, you can absolutely start a personal journey at any time of the year. In fact, you can even take a break, start again, or update it at any point in time. It is the importance of getting started that I want to focus on. Starting for many can sometimes be the hardest part- and I want to help. 

Here are what I consider the first steps to take when beginning a personal journey:

1. Decide why you want to go on this personal journey.

Your personal journey is a personal and individual decision. Focus on what you need, and what would fuel you. If your why is only surface level, you may lose motivation and the will to continue on if or when the journey gets difficult. So be sure to define a strong reason for your journey.

2. Find your resources.

Support can be found from even the most unexpected places. Reach out and find your community. Whatever the reason is for your personal journey, there is more than likely another soul out there who is taking on the same challenge as you. From Facebook groups, motivational podcasts, Youtube, and even local groups, you can find your support system anywhere. Places I would recommend looking are:

Amy Lee Life Coaching (Youtube)

All Things Koze (Youtube)

Journey with Jazz (Podcast)

The Mindful Kind (Podcast)

And please feel free to check out my own Youtube Channel, where I discuss everything from gratitude journaling, astrology, and tarot reading- all tools that you can utilize while on your journey.

3. Make it tangible.

Even for those of us whose personal journeys are less goal-driven, it is important that we use the power of words to manifest the changes we desire. Whether you write it down in a journal, planner, sticky note, or calendar - wherever it is, make it tangible and visible (even if it is just to you!).

4. Give it time.

Taking on a personal journey can be as small or as big as you want to make it but regardless, journeys and growth take time. They go through a plateau that might seem never-ending, or it might be more of a rollercoaster with ups and downs. Give your journey time. Patience is a virtue to be appreciated when allowing yourself the opportunity to transform. We want you to succeed and to thrive- giving up because we haven't seen immediate results will not be in our vocabulary for the year 2022!

Recognizing the need for a personal journey and why you want to take it on is such an important step towards a happier life and a happier you. A personal journey may not be the black-and-white goals you thought you needed this year, but it is one that will set you up for long-term transformation and progress. Let’s embark on this adventure together.

Happy Journeying,


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