Jackie Fernandes

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5 Ways To Increase Self Confidence To Help Combat Loneliness

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Loneliness is something that affects us all from time to time. Over 40% of us feel lonely - and this feeling can influence our day to day in many ways. Whether it is  our wellbeing, friendships, relationships and more. We need to sometimes work on other things to help fight our loneliness.

A good way to start is by improving our self-confidence and begin seeing ourselves as the wonderful, strong and powerful individuals we are! 

Here’s a few tips to help us increase our own self-confidence and fight loneliness along the way. 

1. Socialise! When talking about self-confidence, it’s essential to go out, socialise and have fun. When you begin to feel those lonely feelings, call up an old friend and get yourself out there. 

2. Embrace your imperfections - someone will love you for them - For the under-confident ladies and gentlemen out there, looking in the mirror and staring at your reflection may not seem to be your ideal thing to do. But trust me, when you begin to embrace those things you don’t love so much about your body, face, personality, you will realise they are not imperfections, but are instead the thing that makes you unique. 

3. Perform self-care - take some time to yourself. There is no crash course to self confidence, it’s a long journey of giving yourself a chance. Meditate, do yoga, take a trip away, whatever it is, you’ve gotta be kind to yourself, always. 

4. Be honest with yourself and others -
No one oozes confidence 24/7. Even though your friend seems to be the most confident person you know, there will be times when they too feel lonely, shy or low. Tell others when you feel down and they will always be there to tell you how amazing you are. And if not them, I will!

5. Take breaks from social media - As great as social media is 90% of the time, it’s important to remember that it can alter our confidence. Whether we’re riddled with anxiety about posting a selfie or wishing you had someone else’s life on instagram, it’s not always healthy. Take regular breaks and remember that it’s not always reality. Your life is reality and you have to enjoy it.

Instead of scrolling, perhaps read an interesting book. Here are some recommendations!

Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World; Library Edition

Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts

Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness

The Self-Love Workbook: A Life-Changing Guide to Boost Self-Esteem, Recognize Your Worth and Find Genuine Happiness