All tagged Meditation Wellness

The Art of Being Self Aware

Being self-aware is all about self-evaluation, self-reflection and finding our truths. As much as we speak of self-care, I do think it’s possible that we skip out on looking towards ourselves and being aware of why we are the way we are.

For me, I’ve always found self-awareness as looking at our own strengths and weaknesses and always assessing how we can improve ourselves. It’s simply, looking in the mirror, but not just at your appearance but also what’s inside.

6 Ways Yoga Can Help Boost Self-Confidence

As we spoke about last week, good self-confidence is important to facilitate a happy life. Sure, none of us are confident 100% of the time - believe me! But self-confidence alters a lot of the day to day, so we should often check in with ourselves and work towards building it little by little.

From taking yourself on walks, to getting out and socialising, all the way to doing some meditation and yoga, the journey to self confidence isn’t always an easy one but an essential one to learning to love yourself and your life.

How To Stop Saying Sorry

Have you ever found yourself in a sticky situation whether you’re in a discussion, misunderstanding or argument? In many of those moments, it’s likely you may end up saying you’re ‘sorry’. Today, I wanted to talk about how often we say sorry to others and question… should we always be the one apologising?

Sometimes we have to react - and there’s nothing wrong with that. But we definitely have a problem with instantly saying sorry without thinking about why, what and how we say it.