How to Find Your Inner Strengths

How to Find Your Inner Strengths

We all possess strengths within ourselves. For some of us, it can be our ability to listen or our perseverance, for others, it might be their sense of intuition. The only question is how do we find out which strengths are unique to us? Here are some tips I have used to discover my own strengths- and how to use them to improve how I navigate through the world. 

First: Ask the People You Trust

Getting an outside opinion is often incredibly helpful when trying to learn more about ourselves. To avoid getting caught up in who we think we are, it is sometimes best to ask those who know us best. It does take some vulnerability to ask someone else what they think your strengths and weaknesses are, so try to start on familiar ground. Our closest friends and family are usually wonderful to ask for this exercise as they want what’s best for you- and for you to grow. But at the end of the day, do remember that you know yourself best, and don’t get wrapped up in a web of other people’s opinions.  It is all about balance.

Second: Take a Reliable Personality Test

This one might take some research as there are so many tests out there- try to take your time and see which one fits you, your needs, and your belief system best. Personally, to learn about myself, I partook in the Myers Brigg Personality test. You can read more about it in my blog, here. Although it can be helpful to ask the people in our lives what our strengths are, sometimes it is also wise to get information from a neutral source. 

Third: Look to the Stars!

I always like to take a cue from the stars when trying to learn more about myself. Learning more about your astrology can unlock many facets about yourself that you may be unaware of. Zodiac and astrology have been used to help us understand ourselves on a deeper level for generations. There are many resources online but if you would like professional assistance, I provide custom birth chart readings. You can find more information on that here. This will ensure the information you receive will be current, reliable, and accurate. 

Fourth: Find Your Patterns

Go the old-fashioned route, take some pen to paper and conduct your own process. Grab your journal and ask yourself some questions: What do you think your weaknesses are? Your strengths? What hobbies do you have that bring you joy? Or what types of situations bring out your positive or negative traits? Once we get real with ourselves, our intentions, and our needs, we can take the process of growth and self-understanding into our own hands.

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