All tagged change

How Our Zodiacs Handle Change

I find that a great place to seek guidance during periods of change or stress is the stars. Our zodiac or constellation signs can tell us a lot about our inner self and how to fulfill our specific needs. Some signs thrive off of periods of change and find it invigorating, others feel the opposite and need more time to process.

4 Reasons We Shouldn't be Afraid of Change

So change can be big or small - regardless though, change can stir up a variety of emotions from within us, fear being one of them. This emotion can strike up anxiety or stress when one is dealing with an unfamiliar situation or change. This could be leaving a comfort zone, letting go of past cycles, or making important decisions. I myself have been hesitant to accept change until I realized how much of a wonderful life I was missing out on.

5 Small Things You Can Do To Create Change

This month we are all about focusing on change which I know can be a tricky thing for people to handle. Many of us try to avoid change at all costs and I get it, change can feel very much like a big and permanent thing. So, let’s start small! Let’s get ourselves used to the idea of change, to see that there are very small things that we can do to create the life we want for ourselves, and out of any possible rut we might be stuck in.