Jackie Fernandes

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How To Get Up in the Morning and Achieve Your Goals: a Guide to Routine Building

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If there was ever a month that was motivation orientated, it would be January. With New Year’s resolutions and goals in mind, it’s all about getting everything done! 

My recent blog post on New Year’s resolutions explains how I feel about resolutions. While they are well-intentioned, sometimes we get bogged down by the specifics and feel disappointed when we don’t achieve everything we aim to: 

So let’s try something new this year: set realistic goals and actually achieve them! 

Ironically, January is also the time of the year that we undoubtedly struggle the most to get out of bed and get started. Winter weather and dark mornings are a risky combination! 

We have to remember when we set goals for the year, we DO NOT have to complete them all before the 30th of January! But with that said, it’s good to set up a healthy routine to help us with fulfilling our goals, from day 1. 

I’m going to try to help you with that. 

Here are 4 hacks to help build yourself a routine -  you’ll thank me for it later!

1. Start in the morning! 

Morning is the best time of day to get anything done. Hal Elrod’s highly acclaimed book ‘the Miracle Morning’ explains that there are 6-steps you have to do the first thing in the morning to get your fill of self-care and success. 

Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, Scribing

Funny enough, it spells out SAVERS, which fits since they are total lifesavers.  Use this little acronym to help remind yourself of these quick but important daily to-dos.

To learn more, buy this excellent book to help push through and accomplish your dreams first thing in the morning.

2. Make your bed!  

As well as your morning SAVERS, this is an extra act that totally pays off. Sometimes something as small as making your bed can be the easiest accomplishment early in the morning - plus it’ll discourage you from getting back in your bed! 

Admiral William H. McRaven explains how useful the little things can be in Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World. 

3. Eat a good, hearty breakfast. 

They do say breakfast is the most important meal of the day - and it’s a scientifically proven fact too! Lots of studies have shown that having breakfast helps with good health and improved concentration. Get yourself a lovely breakfast to kickstart a day of executing your goals. 

Buy this breakfast recipe book with meals worth waking up for - Breakfast: Recipes to Wake Up For

4. Keep note of everything you’ve achieved.

Last but not least, waking up in the morning is just the beginning. Once you’ve set yourself up with the Miracle Morning, a good breakfast, a well-made bed, what else? 

Doing, of course! Before you go to sleep, note down all your accomplishments of your day in a journal, from the small things to the big things, that way, you’ll be able to visualize what you’ll need to do next! 

Grab yourself a Lamare Gratitude Journal for Women. It’s filled with Daily Affirmations with Prompts and aims to cultivate Positivity, Mindfulness, Happiness. 

And remember, be proud of all you do! I am. 

