Jackie Fernandes

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Straight Talkin' Bout an Evolution

I’m sure many of you are feeling lost, challenged, confused, and are left wondering… wondering...how we’re going to approach everything that’s been happening, pre- Covid, during Covid and what will happen after Covid. 

Since the George Floyd tragedy, we have re-sparked conversations around race. Which is fantastic, but it deserves a bigger discussion in a safe space to help people understand the challenges that people of color face every day.

Over the past 7 weeks, I’ve been asked so many questions about it all. 

Questions like:

 “how do I handle this situation?” 

 “What’s okay?” “What’s not.”

We need a space to start managing, evaluating, and accepting our raw and truthful emotions for what they are, and why they are. 

I am a mirror - for myself and others. The experiences I have gone through related to the color of my skin, or the fact that I’m a woman - I’ve been living with it, working with it, growing with it. 

This is present in any system or structure. We all strive for a community. The connection is essential in order for us to co-exist, expand, and express ourselves. 

Our own evolution will turn into a revolution - it’s the only way to make a change in the world.

A lot of the reasons that we don’t speak up is because we think that ‘someone else will take care of it’. But who is that someone else? For myself, there is only me. I’m a single soul, a unique person, lucky enough to be participating in this life, at this time on this beautiful earth.

If not me, then who? 

2020 has developed into a year forcing advancements in life, medicine, and technology.

When I set my intention for this year, it wasn’t a to-do list of unattainable resolutions, I wanted one simple thing -  expansion. And boy, am I getting it. 

To me, It’s not about starting a revolution but instead, an evolution.

We really only really have 2 options: 

  1. To simply exist and let the world happen go around us - to never be the outlier and never strive for change. 

  2. Or start our own evolution. 

Our own evolution will turn into a revolution - it’s the only way to make a change in the world.

Next steps for the community 

Until my very last breath is drawn, I firmly believe that connection and community will never die. We were all built on this. 

When we talk more about these topics we’ll see the change. Heck, for me, I needed a drastic and radical change, growth, and inner power to heal my own body; physically, emotionally, and essentially. 

So to start, I want to invite you to join me in this open and honest space that is coming very soon. This will be a community where we share, learn, and question our actions. It’ll be straight-talking, raw truth. It might be difficult, but it’s worth it. 

Connect with me on https://www.jackiemfernandes.com/connect for more information or send me a message either on Facebook or in the comments. 

It’s not a race or competition to wellness and acceptance, it’s an adventure in understanding who we are. 

Change won’t happen overnight. 

Let’s lift the weight and find the love. 

Jackie X