July Astrology Guide

July Astrology Guide

Hello beautiful souls… How did June’s astrological events go for you?

June brought with it joy, sunshine, and the summer solstice!

Have you read about it? Happy Summer Solstice! 

This month, we’re in the water sign territory, so tap into your artistic side - use your imagination. 

Orange Handwritten Fitness Quote Facebook Post (33).png

What to expect?

As we emerge from Gemini season to Cancer season, emotions are up in the air. 

Prepare for the Cancer New Moon on the 20th of July. We only want to focus on the essentials, and things that are supportive and comforting. Nothing else matters! 

On the 22nd, the sun is changing to fire sign Leo, where everything will change. It’s time to tap into your intuitive side and follow your heart. 

Just a reminder, that if you have any burning questions on topics such as intuition, relationships, career and general wellbeing, my services are still available to help give you a little guidance! 

You can get an online Tarot Reading for 30 or 60 minutes with me! There you can ask questions and I can answer them using tarot cards and oracle decks. 

People need clarity on goals and objectives and this is where I come in. We can discuss your relationships, your career moves, your life goals - anything.

And what’s more, if you book in, you’ll also receive a free Birth Chart Report - this will give you a detailed overview of the alignment of the planets and stars the moment you were born.  This gives you insight into your past life, your true purpose, and your traits and behavior patterns!  

Here’s what Delaney had to say about her reading…

Thank you for all of these useful tips. I love the idea of asking for a specific sign from my guides. You completely gave me the information and I needed to take action and move forward. 

  • Delaney

What are you waiting for? Book today! 

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