How To Spread Joy This Holiday Season

How To Spread Joy This Holiday Season

***Disclaimer - this post may include affiliate links***

The holidays are such a beautiful time and love is all around. It’s a great time of year to remember how lucky and fortunate we are, and to spread a bit of that holiday cheer. There are so many ways we can do more around this month, and every month, to spread some joy.


Whether it’s donating some money, clothes, food, or time, a little can go a very long way. Plus it feels just so amazing to help others!

Here’s just a few ways of how you can spread joy this season:

1. Volunteer at a local homeless shelter - If you have the time, it could be a lovely opportunity to get yourself to a homeless shelter and give back. Whether it’s at a soup kitchen or preparing Christmas packages, it’s only a few hours of your day to make someone’s day better. 

Check this link out to see where you can go: Volunteering on Christmas

2. Donate food or money - Another option if you’re short on time this month (which is not uncommon) could be to donate food or money to a local charity. 

While doing so, be sure to recognize the good things in your life, and always remember the importance of embracing gratitude: How To Be Mindful and Embrace Gratitude 

3. Go Christmas carolling - We love to have a little sing song, there are loads of groups looking for carollers in different cities. Check out if there’s any online singalongs! 

Get those festive songs playing throughout your house to put you in the mood .

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Check out this Christmas Carolling CD by Ray Conniff - it’s got all the classics! 

4. Host a zoom trivia or fundraiser to raise some money - Why not have some fun with friends and organise an online trivia? Better yet, add a small entry fee and collect some money to donate to a charity. 

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Buy this for a family member who can’t make it to Christmas dinner this year due to the pandemic.

5. Catch up with people you may have grown distant with - Send someone you love a card or even a Facebook message if it’s been a while! 

Try The Online Alternative to Greeting Cards at 

6. Volunteer at a call center - Even at Christmas, people can get lonely. By volunteering at a local call center, you can have a chat with someone who might need it. There’s such a power in a good conversation to change someone’s mindset. Your voice and listening ear can make all the difference.

7. Be kind, in everything you do - Be nice to your amazon delivery person, your cashier, the lady walking her dog. Remember that you never know what someone may be going through these holidays. Spread love! 


Any other ideas? Let me know below!

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