Christmas Presents Haul: 15 Gifts To Buy Your Friends and Family Right Now

Christmas Presents Haul: 15 Gifts To Buy Your Friends and Family Right Now

***Disclaimer - this post may include affiliate links***

After such an emotionally charged year for all of us, this holiday period comes as a necessary time for us to give back and spend time with loved ones that we may have barely seen due to the pandemic.

Yep, Christmas may very well be quite different and a whole lot smaller, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the best one yet. The joy of Christmas truly is in the giving. There is nothing that brings happiness quite like it. 


It’s important to have a mindful approach to the holiday season and try (when possible) to shop with purpose and not with price. A well thought-out gift is much better than a last-minute one, and you can save a lot of money by planning and shopping ahead of time! Not to mention saving yourself a lot of stress.

That said, I do know the struggle of thinking of the right gifts to buy for everyone, whether for work colleagues for secret Santa, or for your family and friends.

With that in mind, I’ve created a little list of 15 presents I’d recommend buying this year, in case you need a couple of fresh ideas: 

1. Essential Oil Set of 30 Aromas - This super affordable set would be the perfect introduction to essential oils for anyone who doesn’t know where to start.  This is the gift that keeps on giving, as each aroma can provide feelings of calmness, inspiration, and at times, an extra boost of energy. 

2.The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck By Kim Krans - This deck of oracle cards is one of my favorites as it’s unique, colorful and adds depth to any readings. This gift will help provide guidance to some of the toughest, or most simple decisions and questions about your coming year!

3. The Desire Map & Workbook By Danielle LaPorte - This book will be ideal for anyone who’s looking for a bit of direction with planning and achieving their dreams. A great way to prepare and manifest an amazing 2021!

4.Bath Bombs - A super easy and vibrant gift, these bath bombs made from shea and cocoa butter are a great buy for anyone who loves a little bit of self-care. Let’s be honest, after the year we’ve had, who couldn’t use a bit of self-care?

5. Yankee Candle - Christmas Cookie - You can never go wrong with a good candle! Especially Christmas cookie scented.

6. Amazon Gift Card - This $50 card will be a great gift for anyone who would rather purchase their own things - it’s the thought that counts. Not to mention, an Amazon gift card is a great way to encourage social distancing! There’s no need to go to the packed stores during and post-holiday season, the gift comes right to their doorstep.

7. Echo Show 5 (Amazon Alexa with Video Calls) - Get this for a family member who can’t make it to Christmas dinner this year due to the pandemic. This Amazon Alexa is loads of fun and even has a camera feature to get in on the family video calls. 

8.Happy Warrior By Jami Bertini - This practical guide will help anyone empower themselves in as little as 30 days. The motive behind the book is to inspire readers to find inner peace so it’s a lovely present for anyone who’s needing that right now. 

9. Inspiration Quote Bracelet - I love, love, love giving jewelry to people at Christmas. So why not do this with a twist and also add an inspirational quote too? There’s a whole bunch to choose from! 

10. Positive Affirmation Cards - Affirmations are sometimes hard to think of by yourself. These cards do all the hard work for you! It’s a great way to start your day and prepare you for anything that is ahead of you.

11. Intuition Readings By Me! - Gift my services and readings for anyone who would love to experience an Intuitive Readings or True North Readings. These readings give you a deeper understanding of yourself and provide guidance with future decision making. Buy on my website: Services — Jackie M. Fernandes

12. Self-Care Weekly Calendar - Finding time for self-care is not always easy. Help out a friend by giving them one of these weekly calendars as a reminder for them to make time for themselves.  They’ll be sure to thank you for it! 

13. Astrology for Real Life By Theresa Reed - I’ve been writing more and more about astrology in my blogs. I find that being in touch with astrology is always a useful tool to carry with you. This book by Theresa Reed will do just that. 

14. Crystals and Healing Stones for Relaxation Bundle - Encourage anyone to get involved in the healing power of stones and crystals with this package. It includes Amethyst, Lepidolite, Fluorite, Smoky Quartz Gemstones, Selenite, Sage Smudge Stick. 

15. Manduka Yoga and Pilates Premium Mat - For my yoga and meditation lovers, get this brilliant mat from Manduka. 

For any more inspiration, do check out the ‘shop’ section of my website. On that page, I have listed my favorite products from yoga equipment, books, healing stones, and much more. 

Get shopping fast before time runs out!

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