All tagged friendship

3 Reasons You Should Start Going on ‘Awe Walks’

An awe walk is simply, taking a walk and thinking outwardly, instead of inwardly. This means you’re more thoughtful about the bigger picture and enjoying your surroundings, and less about yourself. The aim of these walks is to feel more mindful and admire the world around you. Without the distractions of other people and your mobile phones, you’re able to see things clearly and open yourself up to beautiful things.

Christmas Presents Haul: 15 Gifts To Buy Your Friends and Family Right Now

After such an emotionally charged year for all of us, this holiday period comes as a necessary time for us to give back and spend time with loved ones that we may have barely seen due to the pandemic.

Yep, Christmas may very well be quite different and a whole lot smaller, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the best one yet. The joy of Christmas truly is in the giving. There is nothing that brings happiness quite like it.