All tagged Stress

The Importance of Self-Care During the Holidays

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed from the excitement of Christmas, you’re not at all alone. The stress of Christmas, New Year, and lots of family events can be quite overwhelming, to say the least. If we add the pandemic to the mix, there’s a lot for us to process mentally and emotionally, which doesn’t always leave a lot of space for reflection during this time.

26 Things To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving

Throughout the month, I have been thinking that we sure do have an awful lot to be grateful for this time around. We’re all living in a pandemic - this will be in history books!

Since it’s probably looking a little different this year, I thought what better than to write a post about 26 things to be grateful for as Thanksgiving falls on the 26th this year.

How To Have a Socially Distanced Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I’m sure that this time last year, we never would have expected that this year could be so different. Due to the pandemic, there will be a lot of differences this Thanksgiving,. but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a whole bunch to be grateful for.

This Thanksgiving, we’ll all be having a somewhat socially distanced one which is brilliant in its own special way.

How To Trust Your Intuition

In today’s blog, I want to help you all with a very important thing that many of us struggle with: how to identify and be in tune with your own intuition.

I know one big issue we have is that we struggle with decisions, from where to go for dinner or which area to live in - sometimes all this choice we have can cause a lot of trouble for us.

My friend was asking me recently, ‘WYJD?’ (What would Jackie do…) and I thought to myself, I don’t, I just do. So I’ve decided to share my tips with you: