What Astrology Can Tell Us About Self-Love

What Astrology Can Tell Us About Self-Love

Sometimes the best way to understand and care for ourselves can be found in the stars. Our astrology signs can often tell us more about ourselves than we realize as each cosmic identity has its own calling and sense of expression. Learning more about your sign could help you discover what self-love might really mean for you -  and reveal a new way for you to cultivate it.

Here are some self-love practices for each sign:

Aries: You may be bold and perhaps a little too impulsive. You already hold a great deal of confidence- and that is wonderful! Take time to look inward and make sure your strong sense of self-worth comes from within and not from others.

Self-Love Activity: Journaling

Taurus: You are incredibly practical but that may keep you from finding joy in the little things. For your self-love, try to find ways to express yourself that bring you happiness and not just for productivity.

 Self-love Activity: Do something that makes you feel good, but isn’t exactly what we would think of as productive (spa day, watching your favorite series on Netflix, drinking some hot chocolate, etc).

Gemini: Gemini at your best you are curious, inquisitive, and versatile. At your worst, you can become too dependent on the reassurance and opinions of others. Focus your self-love on fortifying your self-esteem!  

Self-Love Activity: Positive self-talk and creating morning mantra.

Cancer: You are sensitive, considerate, and kind. However, without enough self-love, you can forget how to best prioritize relationships. Look inward and see what relationships bring you joy, and which ones may be draining you!

Self-Love Activity: Mindfulness and meditation.

Leo: Bold and extroverted, Leos tend to push all of their insecurities down and often pick themselves apart usually without telling anyone! Re-energize yourself through social activity and meet with a trusted friend and share whatever is burdening you.

Self-Love Activity: Treating yourself to a coffee or meal with a good friend.

Virgo: Virgos, I know you well. Humble, practical, and efficient, but also a bit harsh on oneself. Stop the over-critical behaviors and start enjoying yourself! To learn more about how you can pull from your Virgo strengths, read my blog, How to Tap into Your Virgo Energy.

Self-Love Activity: Cook yourself a delicious meal.

Libra: Libras tend to seek harmony in everything that they do. However, this desire for peace can often create a fear of disappointing others and impact decision-making. Give yourself space to think about the situations occurring in your life before jumping into the role of peacemaker. 

Self-Love Activity: A self-care routine or creating a mindmap.

Scorpio: A deep, thoughtful, and intuitive sign, Scorpios tend to be quite emotional and passionate. Due to all of these powerful emotions, Scorpios can be prone to negative thoughts. Try to look past these negative thoughts and find ways to release all of your emotional energy!

Self-Love Activity: Going for a run, boxing, or even releasing your emotions through art.

Capricorn: An earth sign who seeks to compete and succeed. Capricorns often get caught in a cycle of comparing themselves to others. However, this leads them to get so caught up in the competition- they forget to enjoy the moment.

Self-Love Activity: Going on a hike either solo or with a group (and take some photos!)

Aquarius: Your enthusiasm is contagious! Being so full of energy and optimism can be a great thing but it can also lead to a bit of impatience to finish what you set out to do. Try to find projects that will relax you!

Self-love Activity: Set up your agenda for the week, then close it and go do an activity that you really enjoy, that has nothing to do with your current projects or goals! Sometimes, giving your projects space to breathe gives you a new perspective and appreciation for them.

Pisces: Infused with a powerfully empathetic nature and a need to please, you like to think you can handle all the world’s problems. Eventually, though you will feel burnt out, trust me! Find an outlet to take your mind off your (and other people’s) problems.

Self-Love Activity: Listen to music or go for a swim.

As you can see, each cosmic identity has its own specific traits. However, if you don’t resonate with your sun sign, this could be due to your rising or moon sign. To understand yourself more, and where some of your other traits might arise from, check out my guide on How to Check-in With Your Moon

Also, If you would like to learn more about your astrology sign or would like to be introduced to the idea of astrology, please feel free to book a birth chart session with me.

For those of you who would like to deepen your exposure to the mystical - I have an exciting and new opportunity! I am thrilled to announce that this August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! 

 It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. 

Throughout this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

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