Mother Nature, The Moon, and You

Mother Nature, The Moon, and You

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As we are on the subject of the moon and its elemental power- I wanted to take a moment to discuss just how important the moon is to the world around us, and how it affects our relationship with nature. The moon controls three major natural phenomena that affect us all in our daily lives: The tides, light, and our sleep cycles.

The Tides: 

The moon’s push and pull on the earth is a visible, beautiful thing. If you are lucky to live near the ocean, river, or moving body of water you can witness firsthand how the moon affects us every day! The tides are affected in what we call the Lunar day- meaning the position of the earth's rotation in coordination with the moon. The further a body of water is away from the moon, the lower the tide - the closer it is, the higher. That is why on nights when there is a full moon, the tides are at their highest. The tides are so important because they remove pollutants from our waters and give the plants and animals that live by the water their nutrients and access to the sun.

A Source of Light: 

As we learned in our discussion of the moon’s lunar cycle, the moon’s glow and appearance are the reflections of the sun’s light on its surface. This reflection was the main source of light earth had at night before there the invention of artificial light and even fire. It has been proven that the moonlight energizes us and other living things in a different way than direct sunlight does. The moon’s light is more gentle on us and releases melatonin to calm anxieties in us humans and other animals.

Sleep and Time:

 Have you ever heard of the circadian rhythm? This rhythm is the 24-hour cycle of the body's natural sleep-wake cycle. All creatures on the planet have this internal process, and it can be drastically affected by our environments and day-to-day life. One of the biggest influences on our natural circadian cycle and our sleep is the Moon. As stated, the light of the moon has a calming effect on our brains. However, the Full Moon has an especially powerful impact. A Full Moon often reflects too much light that can, and even more so, create a slightly stronger gravitational pull that affects both the quality and length of our sleep. This difficulty is why finding ways to relax and calm our bodies and minds before we sleep is so crucial in navigating the moon’s influence on us. Here are some relaxation techniques that I have used that can aid you in getting a good night's rest.

What I have enjoyed most about learning about the moon is that its power is something so visible and tangible. The next time you are taking a stroll at the beach, enjoying a moonlight dinner, or heading off to bed - take a look and remember just how much the moon does for us!

If you are enjoying our discussion about the moon, then take this opportunity to deepen your connection with it by learning how to read tarot! I am so excited to announce that in August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. 

In this class, we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

The Moon and Your Mood

The Moon and Your Mood

What is the Moon Cycle?

What is the Moon Cycle?