All in Essential Oils

A Guide to Winter Skincare

Winter is a fabulous season but there’s definitely something to be said about what winter can do to our skin. It’s no doubt if you’re reading this, you know the struggle.

The cold, windy weather coupled with busy social calendars during the holidays, can leave our skin feeling worn-out, dry, and looking tired. But not to worry! I’ve got your ultimate guide to skincare during the Winter months ahead.

Christmas Presents Haul: 15 Gifts To Buy Your Friends and Family Right Now

After such an emotionally charged year for all of us, this holiday period comes as a necessary time for us to give back and spend time with loved ones that we may have barely seen due to the pandemic.

Yep, Christmas may very well be quite different and a whole lot smaller, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the best one yet. The joy of Christmas truly is in the giving. There is nothing that brings happiness quite like it.

Best Essential Oils for Manifestation during Winter

I am in the habit of manifesting every day. The power of positivity inspires me to wake up in the morning and go through the world with energy and resilience to take on anything.

December scents are the best of all. So, it only feels right to let you know my favorite essential oils for manifestations, specifically in the winter.

Tarot vs Oracle Cards

A large part of my professional and personal routine is that I use decks with clients, customers, and myself to get daily, monthly and quarterly readings. You may have tried this out for yourself or never heard the words ‘tarot’ or ‘oracle’ in your life. I’m here to educate you on this.

Let's talk about tarot and oracle cards. In this blog, I want to show you how you can navigate uncertainty, envision your future, and be here right now, using cards.